A little background on me, I'm 27 years old and grew up doing a bit of scouting/hunting with my father until I was about 12 or so. I never developed much of a shot or too much of an interest in hunting at that time. A few years go by and at 19 my father passes, and I still have no interest in hunting, archery. 8 years more and I land at 27 years old, almost 28 now and I moved out into the country and actually have the desire to develope a solid shot and maybe go out and scout/hunt. Unfortunately I don't have the direction of my father anymore, or any of his gear..but I do have the desire and I purchased myself a bow...
I'm hoping this is where you guys can help me, I'll probably have quite a few questions and seem clueless. My first will start with this, I now own a Martin Mamba 55@28 that is 58" I enjoy shooting it and the groups are coming bit by bit as I develope a measure of consistency. But I'm not quite satisfied with the bow, I've shot a howatt hunter that is 60# and I prefer the way it shoots to mine, just that it's a little heavy for my taste.
My long winded post/question is almost done! I just sold a Polaris Ranger that was collecting dust mostly. And I set aside about 1,000$ give or take for purchasing a bow that I can use for years to come, here is the question part...
What do you suggest for a smooth drawing, quiet recurve that can double for target/3d and also be taken hunting? I prefer recurve one pieces, but may look into takedowns. Any tips/suggestions will help me alot, I'm fairly clueless but trying to learn more.