I missed the deal Oxnam...and misquoted the damn price too. Must have cooked my brain fishing and mountain biking on Memorial Day weekend, when I desperately needed one of these. I rode off of my buddy's 1000 heavily wooded and hilly acres accidentally in East Texas and turned a casual bike ride on the trails around his lake into a Bear Grylls close call. 100F Texas heat and not enough water, plus deep sand stopped me cold and I had to push my bike up just about every hill. I kept finding new trails to ride down as I tried to circle back to the main jeep trails criss-crossing his property. Turns out the "roads" in Summer look a lot different than in Winter and ferns had overgrown much of what had seen out there during deer season. Plus I crossed a down fence and was headed to Tyler had I not stopped! I had no GPS signal on my iPhone and was not thinking clearly enough to just use it's compass. I overheated and things were a bit fuzzy. I finally soaked my riding shirt in the last of my water and wrapped my head like a turban, which did the trick to cool me down, and found my way back after some miles of backtracking.
Now, for some reason, I want a Garmin 60csx when I go out.