I've got Fri off work and am definately coming.
Going out for a bite once in a while sounds like a good plan instead of dealing with a bunch of meals. Might bring some kind of meat to grill too, and some beans, etc, easy stuff.
How many are camping? To save fuel costs I may just stay in my topper instead of pulling my big popup.
The weather sounds like its going to be nice, mid to high 70,s during the day, mid to high 50's at night. Wondering if a guy can get a shower nearby?
Chad, got the template for the 15" version of my riser done and adjusted the drill fixture. My limb formula calls for .040 glass, I'm sure you only have .050, so we may have to adjust the lams somewhat, anybody know what the poundage difference might be? If you want to try for a 60" bow, I have a formula for that too. I'll wait to rip and grind them until I get there, which should be 11-12 Fri morn.
I'm rounding up some extension cords too. Also bringing my string stuff with D97 material, I'll have to relearn how to do it