I'm going to be officially picking up the hobby soon, and can't wait. Before I purchase my set-up though, I have some questions for the experts.
I'm basically completely new to archery, but have been hunting my whole life and have shot a bit as a kid.
I've been doing some research and here is my current set-up:
http://www.3riversarchery.com/AdultBowKit.asp?i=2495&show=info (Comes with
I was thinking about getting a 35# bow. I'm 17, athletic, but not a body builder by any means, and I predict that 35# would be a good starter weight.
I also have a 72-74" arm reach, and am 6' tall, if that makes a difference.
Basically what I need to know is:
-Will that bow be sufficient for me to start out with?
-Will I need any other accessories that are not covered in the starter kit?
AND, most importantly, I need some help with choosing the right arrows.
-Any suggestions on arrows that will work well with the bow mentioned above, and will be good for a beginner (long lasting, durable, straight-shooting, but not too expensive)?
Thanks a ton!
Hopefully in a few months I'll be able to give starters like me advice, but I have to start somewhere.
PS. I don't have access to a legit archery store within a 2 hour drive, which is why I can't get fitted with the right bow/arrow