I've been musing after reading Terry's post about the St. Jude auction and the decline in items donated this year. There are far more members here than ever, and growth has been great. But I'm wondering why all these new members don't seem to get involved in the St. Jude project and kick in where they can.
Is is like the difference between living in a large city where you don't even know your neighbors, versus living in a small town where you know everyone? Do the newer members here simply remain anonymous, stop in to check there favorite forums and go on their way without really becoming involved?
Do the new people think that the St. Jude project is some kind of special project only for certain members of Trad Gang?
Nothing could be further from the truth! St. Jude is for YOU!!! We need each and every one of the nearly 24,000 members to jump in and do what they can. List an item for sale. When the bidding starts, visit the auction forums and bid where you can. Even if you know you'll never win the item in the end, keep the bids going up to raise more money for the kids.
If you have seen references to St. Jude before, didn't know what it is about and simply assumed it was intended for someone else and simply skipped over it, you are wrong. As I said, St. Jude is for each and every member of Trad Gang. Go to the main forum page and scroll down to the special St. Jude section. Page through the listing forum to see all the great things that have already been donated. Read the "How the auction works" thread to become familiar with the process, and make plans to have a lot of fun when the bidding begins next week!
This rant really isn't meant to question whether Trad Gang has gotten too large. The title of the thread is meant to be seriously taken "tongue in cheek", because I don't believe for a minute that we really have too many people visiting here. The growth of Trad Gang is great to see, and I hope it continues far into the future.
My intent is simply to goad those who have not yet gotten involved in the St. Jude auction project to give it a chance. Go read Terry's thread. Dig in your basement and find something, anything, to list. It doesn't have to be archery related at all.
And most importantly, when the auction forums open for bids next week get on there and bid often!!!!
See you there!