They don't leave them on MY neighborhood sidewalks. They put them by the dumpster or throw them in a culvert.
And put the lid down. Put it away when you're done, for crying out loud.
Do NOT park under my bedroom window and play with your car stereo. That subwoofer triggers the leftover reptilian lump in my brain that makes me lunge into kill mode.
I hate drivers that disobey street signs and then try to make a right turn from the left lane and try to cut you off so that they can get there first, wherever it is that they are going. And if you don't allow them to have their way with you, they start screaming F-bombs at you. I almost engaged in fisticuffs yesterday.
Do not mess with a woman in her fifties. She is riding a barbwire hormonal wave, and she just doesn't give a flying fritter anymore. And even if you win, where's the glory? And then she'll sue you naked for assaulting her, the poor old dear.
Killdeer~ but I'm not bitter!
I can't believe that this thread is still running. :eek: