Sometimes nock high is tough to get rid of. It can be a form issue (plucking the string will do it). I assume you are right handed since you don't say. If your bare shafts are grouping with your fletched shafts, your spine should be good. How far are you shooting? If you are too close, the arrow may still be in paradox when it hits the target or goes through the paper. I like to be 15 to 20 yards out when tuning.
One other method, the one I usually use, is to put a big wide broadhead on and see if that is hitting in the same area as the field point.
I don't know what your level of experience is, but it sounds like you need to do some form work before you worry too much about fine tuning. If I pluck the string, my shots go high right, even with perfectly tuned arrows. My advice would be to do some blank bale shooting to groove your form. Also, if you are new to traditional bows, 49# could be a bit heavy to start with, especially for form work.
Hope this helps, and welcome aboard. This is a great place to hang out and learn. It is the best site on the internet!