I know this one has thrown a few of you for a loop...this is a sculpture I made...it is actually a self-portrait...
there is much which the photo doesn't show...but basically it relates to my daily struggles and thoughts...the mouth is polyeurethane molded from an African Lion's skull...it represents a fierceness usually kept to myself...the tongue is a belt, representing my own tongue's ability to lash at times (probably subconsciously related also to the fact that I was disciplined with belts as a youngster)...
the inner child stares at a carpenter's level inside the "soul" area (level of course represents "right"-ness, and (what is not visible here)is a blackbird foot splinted with a popsicle-stick splint behind the child's head...this comes from the first animal I ever killed--->I was around four, and I threw a rock at the bird...instead of killing it I merely broke it's leg...suddenly I went from killer to saver, trying to help the bird...my dad helped me put a splint on the leg with popsicle sticks and kite string...it didn't work...my dad had to wring it's neck...maybe too much information for some, but it is what it is...