Killie, I was impressed by the Canebreak because I almost stepped on him....You can`t tell it in the pic but he was singing.
Stone Knife, I do wear snakeboots. Before I did I had been struck several times but never bitten. The Angels that watch over me work in shifts...
Mudd , You are exactly right. I feel mighty safe in the swamp. Its kinda simple, pay attention,don`t get in a hurry and enjoy every minute.I walked probably 8-10 miles are more in these two hunts. I saw a lot of deer...a bunch of small yearlings, Turkeys, Birds a plenty a couple more snakes, one black racer that was about to fast for a pic and beautiful south Ga. Swamps.I had pigs under 20 yards 6 times and could`nt gaff one.Had a broadside shot on a sow with pigs I turned down . Yesterday I called a yote from 80 yards to 20 by squeaking the back of my hand.He busted me when I tried to move a bit for a shot.
Randy , that was a Red Tailed Hawk. I once saw one catch a black snake.
I like taking a lot of pics, I have 4 albums full of such as this plus stumps ,spider webs , big trees anything odd....even BOMBS!!!RC