I have a question for those of you with much more trad experience than I have. I have a quality recurve that I really like. I would like to get a backup or second bow when I can afford one (may be awhile, I need to sell my older one that is to heavy, which I will do when I have enough posts). I actually have two or three questions. First, is it best to stick with a recurve rather than a longbow to maintain consistency or familiarity? I would want to be able to pick up the second bow and shoot it well without a lot of acclimation to it.
Second, should the bow be about the same length as my first bow, or does this really matter as long as the bow is comfortable to me? Third, how close in poundage is wise? I realize that fairly close in draw weight is probably important to use the same arrows (I'm very budget limited for awhile). Would 2 or 3 pounds be just fine? Would much more than that make things difficult? I now shoot a 62" 52# bow, and was considering a 50# bow when possible, but wondered if a few more pound difference would be critical. Thanks for any insight.