Worbles come from what my grandfather called a blowfly.
Basically the blowfly lays an egg on the critter and it turns into a maggot that grows into a worble about the size of your finger. Was told you can cut the bad part off and still okay to eat, but you won't get me to eat one.
Rabbit Fever is "Tularemia - caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis.
Humans can get the disease through:
Direct contact, through a break in the skin, with an infected animal or its dead body
The bite of an infected tick, horsefly, or mosquito
Eating infected meat (rare)
Areas where the disorder most commonly occurs include North America and parts of Europe and Asia. The illness may continue for several weeks after symptoms begin.
Some people may develop pneumonia after being infected. Risk factors include recent exposure to rabbits or a recent tick bite. The disease is very rare in the United States.
Francisella tularensis is considered a potential bioterrorism agent. An aerosol release would be a possible method of infection. Pneumonia cases would start 1 - 10 days after people were exposed.
Tests & diagnosis
Blood culture for tularemia
Blood test measuring the body's immune response to the infection (serology for tularemia)
Chest x-ray
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test of a sample from an ulcer
This disease may also affect the results of febrile/cold agglutinins.
Tularemia is fatal in about 5% of untreated cases, and in less than 1% of treated cases.
A vaccine is recommended for people at high risk (trappers, hunters, and laboratory workers who work with the bacteria)."