Originally posted by joebuck:
Cyclic...based on your comments...Isn't Excluding compounds at a Traditional Shoots be "Elitist attitude" also?.....
What BIG Shoots out there are "bring what you hunt with"?
Joe, I never wish to exclude anyone. Just because I attend a "traditional" shoot doesn't mean I made up the rules. If a pair of wheels showed up, I would let him shoot. In fact if he needed to join a group, I'd invite him in.
To me having a good time is the goal. I don't have time to worry about what someone else is doing unless it physically harms or endangers me or others.
If you think that I meant it's a great idea to exclude compounds from another thread, I was more trying to make a point that I do not need to shoot where I wasn't treated as equal in respect to how we are viewed and treated based on our personal choices in equipment. I was also trying to make a point; I avoid giving business to companies (or clubs) who refuse to treat me with common courtesy and respect. Would you continue to return to a restaurant that purposely gives you poor service and bad food? If you do that's fine it's a choice, I will not even if I had to go hungry for a day. Perhaps it's a pride thing.
I do think that excluding Compounds from a "Traditional" shoot is "Elitist", however If I was hosting the shoot I wouldn't ask them to leave, I would simply ask them to have a good time. Party crashing happens everywhere even at the White house, They weren't escorted out either.
I think if we want to preserve a tradition we need to accept the modern as well as the traditional because if there wasn't compounds and composites and such it would just be archery and not traditional archery in which case we would all be shooting together anyhow. If your targets cannot accommodate a crossbow or the course isn't safe for high power, well then maybe then you have a case to ask them not to shoot.
Let's all be friends
and fling arrows