I've been shooting longbows and recurves for 50 years. Have NEVER shot a compound.
Have always been a hunter and always will be.
When I attend a shoot of any kind I use the same equipment I would be using when hunting. When I was younger (20s and 30s), I attended shoots with the intention of winning. And many times did, even against compound target shooters.
I never cared what others were shooting and still don't. Always have tried to do my best, and still do. Nowadays because of my eyes not being as good as they once were I have problems with the longer shots. But I still try and do my best and turn in my scores. Still shoot 50 to 90# draw weight even at shoots, can't remember shooting under 65# at any shoot in the last 10 years.
Don't expect to win many if any these days, but I'm still competing against myself. Any time I do well I'm happy. Doing well these days is being in the top 20 at any shoot, and I'm still there quite often.
Enjoy yourself at any shoot. If you don't want to compete against target set ups, find a shoot that offers different classes and shoot there.
Most all shoots I've attended lately have classes and stick to them. This makes the archers equal equipment wise.
I don't expect to shoot against an Olympic recurve shooter and win, but it sure makes me feel good to shoot almost as well as them with hunting equipment. And it impresses them when I can come close to their score without using sites and all the other garbage they use!