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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?  (Read 17874 times)

Offline Jason R. Wesbrock

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #40 on: June 07, 2010, 09:41:00 PM »
One thing I've noticed over the years is that no one complains about anyone else's equipment...until they lose. If a guy with a stripped-down FITA rig comes in last place, no one raises a stink. But if he wins?

Offline mississippidave

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #41 on: June 07, 2010, 09:41:00 PM »
I'm with Plumber!  I go to BS and see folks and enjoy the comraderie....a little friendly competition is great for my shooting too.  When I hunt I comcentrate on my shots much more intently.  I could care less what someone shoots as long as it meeets the requirements and rules of the shoot.

Offline vermonster13

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #42 on: June 07, 2010, 09:53:00 PM »
You can keep score?
TGMM Family of the Bow
For hunting to have a future, we must invest ourselves in future hunters.

Offline joebuck

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #43 on: June 07, 2010, 09:57:00 PM »
So............why does a guy with a FITA bow want to shoot a 25 yard hunting traditional tournamnet?..to practice FITA?    :rolleyes:  ........A Target style bow now or then has absolutely no advantage over Traditional Bows on course set up for close hunting.....I'm just saying to the people or org. putting on tournaments....be careful of what you allow. It's not about winning, it's about allowing! Some of us have been around that block......Trivia...who made up the IBO rules we have today in Traditional Class   :D
Aim down your arrow because thats where it's going.

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #44 on: June 07, 2010, 10:00:00 PM »
Stick and String. Stick and string. We must realize that we are all different. The worst that come of this debate is division, jealousy and rivalry. Individual rights are to be exercised as the individual's love for the stick and string.

Don't little differences separate us as a splntered community by the very reality that should be the source of unity.
>>----> Friend <----<<

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Offline pitbull

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2010, 10:06:00 PM »
In the woods there are no score cards, no one to critique form, the critters don't care which bow or arrows I carry. I love to bow hunt it is always fun.

Offline elkken

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2010, 10:10:00 PM »
If I shoot any 3D's, and I only shoot Trad 3D's, I always take my hunting set up. I shoot the 3D's for fun and practice for hunting season, Lord knows I need it.
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline ranger42

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2010, 10:20:00 PM »
Shoot on a daily basis because i love it. The bowhunt is what really drives me. "Pitbull" worded it perfectly!

Offline SpankyNeal

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2010, 10:32:00 PM »
I shoot 3D for practice and enjoy the fellowship with other trad shooters and only shoot what I hunt with. Wouldn't trade those old shoots we used to go to for nothing Joe Buck!

Ken "Spanky" Neal

4 Sunset Hills and counting!

66" 59# "White Dragon"
65" 56# "El Tigre"
67" 47# "Quiet Places"
66" 57# "Lionheart"

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2010, 10:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by joebuck:
Trivia...who made up the IBO rules we have today in Traditional Class    :D  
I don’t have a clue what the IBO rules are I only know where the vitals are located and that’s what I shoot for. Sometimes I shoot from the stakes and sometimes I try to setup a hunting scenario and shoot through brush, kneel down and shoot or peek around a tree and shoot. Some times if the range is setup for it I’ll take a long shot just for the fun of watching the arrow fly. Everyone I shoot with is shooting only to improve their skills and could careless about IBO scoring rules.

I wouldn’t write off a shoot because I saw a bunch of technical archers shooting. If they were holding me up I might ask if I could go ahead of them. Actually I’ve never had to ask. The compound guys usually make the offer to let me shoot ahead of them.

I guess I don’t understand what your friend is so upset about. I’m not competing with the technical guys when I shoot so I don’t care how they spend their day.
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

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Offline BCWV

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2010, 10:45:00 PM »
My club is a bowhunter club with both compound and traditional shooters.  
 The 2 top trad shooters use target style recurves, carbon lites and take first and second about every shoot they enter.

 My little group use our hunting bows and heavy arrows. I try to shoot my best and do keep score but I gauge my score against my fellow shooters useing the same type of equipment. It does make us feel good to get close to the target fellows.

 I have seen many post that mentions either not keeping score or scoring rings on 3D targets not being realistic to actual hunting shots. It's just my thoughts but if I'm able to hone in and hit the 11, wherever it's located, it's good practice for hunting. It may not be where I would shoot an animal but if I can hit where I want to, it's good practice.

 For me, it doesn't matter what others are shooting. I have a good time with good friends and that's what keeps me coming back.


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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2010, 10:53:00 PM »
I think as of Myself as a Traditional Archer that Bowhunts...So I'm a Traditional Bowhunting Archer.

Offline eric-thor

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2010, 11:03:00 PM »
It's just my thoughts but if I'm able to hone in and hit the 11, wherever it's located, it's good practice for hunting. It may not be where I would shoot an animal but if I can hit where I want to, it's good practice.

WELL SAID   :thumbsup:
form is everything! shoot well shoot hard.

Offline Ragnarok Forge

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2010, 11:19:00 PM »
Trad bowhunter, stump killer, and lover of all 3D shoots.  I enjoy shooting with the compound and techie recurve guys.  I often shoot close enough to their scores to keep them honest. It is always fun to pull up and.  It happens often enough to keep me smiling.  

I attend trad shoots to shoot with other trad shooters.  I have never seen a FITA style bow at any of the local trad shoots.  I doubt they would be allowed to shoot. As soon as you put a site on your bow the local  trad clubs don't have a class for you to shoot in.  

I came in first place in my class at a recent safari shoot.  They had crazy 101, 88, and 75 yard, etc shots and the trad folks shot from the same stakes as the compounders.  It was really cool watching my arrows arc in and even occasionally hit at those ranges.  The three compound guys I was shooting with were thorougly impressed that I even hit the long shots and I flat blew them away when I shot a 21 out of 22 possible points on a 73 yard target.  I actually outshot them ( Got lucky and hit the orange spot on the first shot and managed to repeat it pretty close on on the second shot ).  Oh by the way I also came in last. I was the only male longbow shooter. Tricia came in first in the womens longbow division for the same reason.  We both got a standing ovations from all the compound and FITA shooters when we picked up our trophies.  We got a ton of comments about how they couldn't believe we were at that shoot and even some that they couldn't believe our scores were good with the really long shots we had to take.  

I would never avoid shooting with the FITA guys or compounders.  We are all archers and should all be working together to make our sport a better and friendlier place.  As mentioned in an earlier post is it fun watching the compound guys being all serious and grumpy while fiddling with the equipment.  I step up and rub my thumb along my riser cut out and say " hmmm, I had to adjust my sights, I bumped them on the last target",  I them hit the stake, make a fast draw and release and smoke one into the kill  I love seeing the look on their faces.  I then end up handing my bow around for everyone to check ouyt and always get a Dam% I want to carry the light thing around next hunting season.  Most of the time it gets a good laugh.
Clay Walker
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Offline bmfer

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2010, 11:35:00 PM »
For me, all target practice is strictly hunting practice. 3D is great fun, but I only do it to work out the kinks before the season.

That being said, not all people see well from my perspective, I like what I like, and don't expect everybody else to like it. But I was raised to extend that same courtesy to others.
Bret M. FullER

Offline eric-thor

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2010, 11:38:00 PM »
your my kind of archer clay. i hope we can shoot together some day.im sure we 'd have a blast.  :clapper:    :archer2:    :archer2:
form is everything! shoot well shoot hard.

Offline joebuck

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2010, 11:47:00 PM »
Ok so let's backtrack here.......we have the groups singing about the Big Tent Theory ( love everyone with a bow)...then the "i don't care a rip about the score" crowd ( most probably should stick to a rifle)......then the " I come to practice" ranks....then we have "I can't win in FITA so i'll whip up on Trad guys with my target bow".....lastly Batman's group"i come to kick your arse with my huntin bow "  my old group!!!......Last guy i saw shoot a target bow at trad shoot....anchored at full draw with a cigerette in his mouth lit....he said the smoke helped him keep his left eye shut.... my group now is "a great way to spend a sat with my kids and watching Hogdancer's wife eat 10# of crayfish!!!.....................so here's my question...seriously .......how many of ya'll that posted actually killed a deer last year with a trad. bow ???
Aim down your arrow because thats where it's going.

Offline bmfer

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #57 on: June 07, 2010, 11:53:00 PM »
I missed twice last year, but got one the year before.
Bret M. FullER

Offline joebuck

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #58 on: June 07, 2010, 11:54:00 PM »
Keep practicing.. ;)
Aim down your arrow because thats where it's going.

Offline kbetts

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Re: Are U a Tradbowhunter or Tradarcher?
« Reply #59 on: June 07, 2010, 11:58:00 PM »
Two deer.  First year.  And then a turkey, my second with a stickbow. If I hit where I'm lookin the first time, any range inside the "comfort zone", I'm good.  I love the techie stuff, but "feelin' it" is the way to go.
"The overhead view is of me in a maze...you see what I'm hunting a few steps away."  Phish

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