I have a 60" Bear Kodiak 45# @ 28" thats been calling my name to use for some time now. I am going to give it an honest try for the rest of the summer. I cannot figure out if it is FF safe or Dacron only bow. I have no idea on age either it was given to me as a gift in '99 it has green face lams with a gold layer beneath then maple color throughout, serial # SL 4509 if that helps. If it is FF safe, what are the benefits??? I ordered a B50 flemish, bear hair rest and a new glove for starters. I have some misc. arrows for now but am looking at going with 29.5" Gold Tip 3555 with a 100 grain insert and 125 grain tip. Any Tips / Info / Brace Height / Nock point Info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!