"who cares about speed" are you Kidding!
Speed is an important part of the puzzle !
Give me two bows shooting the same 600grn arrow,
one bow shooting 160 fps
and the other shooting 190fps
I assure you the faster one will penetrate deeper every time.
I've seen a 600 grn arrow shot out of a 53lb recurve not penetrate , broad side on a moose moose. I believe it most likely hit a rib and just didn't get enough penetration to get both lungs. The recurve owner ordered a heavier set of limbs for his moose and elk hunting. Now, could this bow kill a moose or elk sure, just not on that day. The fact is the same heavy arrow travelling faster will increase penetration, and lesson the chance of having your arrow stopped by heavy muscle and bone.
For Hunting :Shoot heavy, arrows, out of the heaviest bow you can shoot accurately.