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Author Topic: It's Official..... Cade's a bowfisherman and Glenbo shoots his 1st! (6-19 update)  (Read 5484 times)

Offline Guru

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This has been a couple years in the making for Cade. He's been tagging along with Me and my 2 bowfishin' buds Gary and Timmy K.

I've been holding him back from shooting because I wanted to make sure he was ready, and could the handle equipment.

Wednesday afternoon, was to be his first "hunt"!

Joining us would be Gary, and tg'er "Glenbo". I got Glen out for the first time last weekend and he was determined to get his first fish after getting a couple shots this past weekend.

Cade was extremely excited to be carrying a bow for the first time. We talked about how things hopefully would happen. We hoped to get real close to a fish that wasn't very deep(hopefully right on the surface).

We also talked about when he hit one, not to pull to hard as his barb probably wouldn't be too far in the fish with the weight he was shooting. I knew it would take some finesse to land one of these hard fighting fish!

Cade "waiting"...

His "spotters"(Gary and Glen)...

Be right back.....
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline gudspelr

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You're killing me here...


Can't wait for more  

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Offline Guru

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Glen was the first to get a shot. He was moving in a fish up ahead of him, when this one to his left revealed itself...

Right after this we jumped in the truck to try another spot. It wasn't long at all and we were seeing active fish.

Glen's next shot was right on the money!  He had his first carp with a bow. Before the "hunt" was over, he landed his second as well. Here's a couple pix from his camera...


He said..."I was smiling on the inside"    :biglaugh:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Mint

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Cmon Curt you can't keep us waiting on a Friday!
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Hang in there....

Right after Glen shot his first, we(Cade, Gary, and myself) moved in tight on another active fish. Take a look at Cade's "almost" 1st shot...

After that Cade's excitement was at an all time high, as well as mine...I was really diggin' this!

We decided that we'd be better off looping around and working our way upstream. As we were just getting back down to the river Gary let us know that there was a fish working right in front of us real close to shore.

It was a perfect scenario...high weeds on shore that would allow us to get close to the edge, the fish was very close to shore just off the weed line, and was revealing itself in the shallow water. This was going to be good!

Have a look/listen...

I was so proud of him!! His very first shot ever, and he drilled it!  I couldn't believe it!

But as you can see in the video, his excitement overtook him and he did what anyone's instinct would have told them to do....Yank!

More coming...
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Chris Shelton

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Guru those last two links are for the same vid . . . HOWEVER I went to your channel, and watched the other!!!!  That was a good shot, and some great footage, the excitement was awesome!!!
~Chris Shelton
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We were having the time of our lives!!!!  It always amazes me to see him "take another step". Like he said, "I'm a bowfisherman now".

Yes you are buddy!

It wasn't long before he had worked in on a couple more active fish...

The evening ended without Cade bringing his first to shore. But all that did was make him more determined than ever. Of course he had to fall in at least once.....

All the way home all he did was talk about how much fun he had, and when we could try again!

 He also said that now he's ready to go with Mr. Receveur!

So Terry buddy, the only reason I haven't taken you up on your invite to go with you and the family bowfishin' was because I was waiting for Cade to join in on the fun.

"We're" ready now!      :notworthy:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Guru

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Thanx Chris, edited with the right clip...
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline ron w

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Hot summer day.......fall'n in is half the fun when your his age!!!!!   :wavey:
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Online Terry Green

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Aint that just dandy!!!!  :jumper:    :jumper:    :jumper:    :jumper:    :jumper:
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Online rastaman

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:thumbsup:    :)    That is great!  Congratulations guys!
TGMM Family of the Bow


Randy Keene
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Offline varmint101

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Man that's some cool footage.  He smacked that one! Congrats to the bowfisherman!

I've never been bowfishing. Looks like a blast!
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Offline Chris O

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Awesome story and footage!

Online glenbo

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Curt was kind enough not to mention the four I missed !Compared to Cade,my batting average went down the drain.I have a feeling that tommorow will be a bad day to be a Carp.glen

Online kennym

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Stay sharp, Kenny.


Offline Duckbutt

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Love it!

Offline Kenneth

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:bigsmyl:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :clapper:    :clapper:    :clapper:
Chasing my kids and my degree for now but come next fall the critters better look out.  ;)

Offline House

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Congrats....All the way around.
Good luck on future hunts Cade, welcome "fellow bowhunter"

"Dad I think maybe sometimes you think too much" after an errant shot stump shooting with Cameron, my 5 year old son.

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Offline Reggie Catfish

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Tell me thats not the best father's day gift ever & its not even father's day yet!

Hang in there Cade- you'll get him next time!!

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