This has been a couple years in the making for Cade. He's been tagging along with Me and my 2 bowfishin' buds Gary and Timmy K.
I've been holding him back from shooting because I wanted to make sure he was ready, and could the handle equipment.
Wednesday afternoon, was to be his first "hunt"!
Joining us would be Gary, and tg'er "Glenbo". I got Glen out for the first time last weekend and he was determined to get his first fish after getting a couple shots this past weekend.
Cade was extremely excited to be carrying a bow for the first time. We talked about how things hopefully would happen. We hoped to get real close to a fish that wasn't very deep(hopefully right on the surface).
We also talked about when he hit one, not to pull to hard as his barb probably wouldn't be too far in the fish with the weight he was shooting. I knew it would take some finesse to land one of these hard fighting fish!
Cade "waiting"...

His "spotters"(Gary and Glen)...

Be right back.....