Three years ago when Mr. Ron La Clair and Redbird were gracious enough to come down to the first ever TN Trad Archery group banquet I told my then 11yr old son Mason, that we would have to in turn go up to the North country and see Ron and Redbird. I was not able to go the next year to Compton or any other event up North and started that bad habit we all have of putting things off another year. DON'T DO IT !!! If you do not do the things you need to now there may not be the time to do them later.....
Last year I got my mind right and determined to go no matter what, no regrets. I also determined to get with Javaman and Ron and order Mason his own Shrew. He has wanted one ever since he met Ron at our TN banquet. Ron and Gregg went out of their way to make a father's dream come true as Mason's masterpiece came together. I owe them a debt of gratitude for pulling this all off perfectly. Mason had no idea at all what Ron, Gregg, and I had prepared for him at Compton 2010.
When we arrived Friday morning at Compton Ron called me and gave me the rundown on how we would wrap this surpise up..... Ron had put Mason's bow on the table with all the other Shrews and wanted to let Mason, "find ", his Shrew. Ron had written a personal message on the belly of the limbs for Mason and had the bellies turned away from Mason. Sure enough after meeting Ron and Redbird again for a few minutes and talking about how much Mason and Skyler had grown, Mason headed toward the Shrews. Ron and I looked at each as if to say, " Better get the camera ready ! " Mason halfway picked up a Shrew close to his but immediately laid it back down as his eyes fixed on his bow. He picked it up and was admiring it not seeing his name and message on the belly of the limb yet. His exact words were, " Man, this one is pretty. " He then rolled it over to check poundage and length as we all do when looking at a bow. As you can see in the pics he was ever so slightly SURPRISED !!! Again, his exact words were, " Your kidding me, right ??? " The next pic is what just comes natural when he realized what Ron, Gregg, and the old man had done for him !!!
All I could think of was the memories being made and how priveledged and truly blessed we are. I don't imagine Mason will ever forget his first ever trip to Compton. I can look down the road and imagine when Mason is older sitting a tree..... Ron, Gregg, and the old man will come flooding back to his mind as he looks down at his Shrew and reads the words Ron so fluently penned, " Mason- many coups with your Shrew "