Originally posted by Pete McMiller:
Remember what Howard Hill wrote? 'One shouldn't take a shot longer than about 1 yard for every pound of bow weight.'
Never really liked Howard Hill! I don't know about that statement, and I hope this doesn't blow up in my face. But if that were the case I can kill a deer at 40 yards with a 40# bow, and shoot 70 yards with my 70# bow??? I don't think so, lol. This was not a dig at you Mr. McMiller, just Mr Hill.
My furthest shot on big game is 25 yards, that was with a 40# bow. On small game, my furthest is 30 yards to the tree, and 25 yards up the tree . . . I'm too lazy to do the math, but I think that's like 33 yards or something like that? That was with a 55# bow.
My rule of thumb is half your bow weight+5=maximum "lethal" distance. So 40 pounds, divided in half, plus 5 is 25 yards. That is just my theory. Not saying you can't kill a deer at 30 yards, or saying you shouldn't. That is just a rule that I have set for myself.