Back in the early 80's I took shots at 3 deer which I would never attempt to take now.
First was at a doe, she came out of a stand of scrub oaks about 70 yards away and moved across a field onto a marsh pond. About 20 minutes later she came out of the pond and headed back to the oaks. She was walking slow but steady, and I figured "What the heck, give it a try". She stepped behind a bush and I Drew, led her a bit and released. Thought I missed low, she just kept moving at the same pace, 20 seconds later she jumped into the oaks. My buddy who was 90 yards away, climbed down from his stand, walked over to the oaks and pulled the doe out. Said she dropped as she jumped in to the oaks. perfect heart shot, 57 yards! Stand was only 12' up the tree.
Second was a 6 point chasing does. He was spooked by my buddy as he drew. Buck came by my stand at 18 yards at a fast trot. I led him about a body length and shot, missed about 1 inch behind him.
He then ran to some palmettos and stopped to look back at the does. Was mad that I missed the first time, picked a spot on a palm fron covering his chest and shot again. He spun around and dropped. 63 Yard double lung.
Third was another Doe, Walking to our stands for an afternoon hunt. We jumped her and she ran from my left to right in front of me. For some unknown reason I just drew picked a spot ahead of her and released. She seemed to run right in to the arrow. Heart shot 52 yards!
All three were witnessed by two of my hunting buddies.
I was shooting a 62",70# Stemmler TD that season.
Consider the 2 does more on the side of luck, but the buck was due to practicing out to 80 yards on a regular basis just to fine tune my form back then.