I have had discussions will all the maufacturers:
Tru Flight
Here is what I understand from gathering all that:
Yes the commercial growers are growing birds faster. Many are butchered youbger so overall smaller. Some are allowed to grow larger, but probably an issue of feed, hormaones and crowded conditions attribute to the thinner and more fragile feathers.
A big part of this is that a WHOLE LOT of Amercian Turkey feathers are going to China! They buy every feather on the bird and use them for many purposes. Arrow fletchings are just a part of it. Of the arrow fletchings, many are going to foreign companies and I beleive that some go to USA companies like AMG and Gateway.
This was not cinfirmed by those companied themselevs but from other sources. Maybe someone from each company would jump in here since I believe they all look in here.
I have tried all the brands, The Tru Flight still has the best grind and the brightest colors. They are also the only company that claims their feathers are 100% US, cleans and pest free.
They have now gone to "Commercial Grade" on the feathers. Since I only use full length and burn them - I have been very dissapointed over the last few years about the rise in price and the drop in quality. Same thing is true about other products as well.
I have been making arrows for over 45 years and have sure seen the gammit of dealers, products and changes over the years.
This is one place I sure do miss 'the good old days'!
Call me old fogey, but all the metal I need on my bow or arrow is the point, and I can live with stone. Other man mades are fine if you like them, but I still prefer 'all wood' on my bows.