Originally posted by Burnsie:
I have never hunted hogs, but have eaten quite a bit from freinds who have gotten them. I love domestic pork, but I like the wild/ferrel stuff even better.
I have never experienced the property damage and over population firsthand, but I would think if it is as bad as everyone says there would be all kinds of land owners/farmers begging hunters of all kinds to come on down and hunt as many as possible. Instead all I see is high dollar hog hunt packages being offered. I would love to hunt hogs some time, but I have a hard time shelling out money to hunt what most are considering a pest/varmit as though it were a sought after elk/bear/whitetail...etc hunt.
you WILL be invited by farmers to kill as many hogs as you can on their property. mostly, they want the hogs gone fast and turn to gun hunters. this is quite common down south. CAVEAT - assuming the farmers can trust hunters, and YOU!
so the onus is on all of us to locate farms and ask for hog hunting permission. somewhat straight forward and easy, right?
then you gotta get there, which for quite a few of us is outta state, and buy a hunting license - yep, even for varmint killin' you need a license.
then you gotta know something about the lay of the land, where to hunt, etc. - and that might be a tad hard to grasp inside of a 3 to 7 day hunt.
then ya gotta stay somewhere, eat, sleep, take care of hygiene, etc. with most hog hunts that i know of, your hunt fee dollars goes for almost all of those costs.
ain't no free lunch unless you kill it, cook it, prepare it and eat it yerself. :D