I lost mine in Oct '08. Didn't think it'd take this long to find something.
Death, divorce, layoff.........I'm plenty strong enough. I'm just getting tired.
I've found jobs listed, applied, even gone to a couple of career fairs.......sorry, I'm not the fave of some liberal spokesperson (who seems to only really talk to others of their type/orientation).
If you've been to such "events" you know what I mean.
Blind applications get about a 2% success rate, and after 1.5 yrs and hundreds of applications......I have yet to get any response. Sure I'm applying to jobs that are around my experience.......but automotive electronics/manufacturing, and manufacturing in general, has taken a massive hit in the midwest.
It was when I got my job long ago "who you know".
I didn't get mine through such channels, was in college, saw a posting there, applied for contract job, got degree, got hired direct and put in 14 yrs after that.
Being an honest and capable person puts one in a small group. One that tends to upset some.
It's along the lines of that old saying:
If you're taller than your boss
if you're smarter than your boss
if you have more hair than your boss,
if you are thinner than your boss
if your wife is prettier than your boss's
you're screwed.
So add in "honest/decent" in the above too.
People who play the systems, less than honestly, hire those who are of that same character.......it's all about favors, who played ball with who back in 6th grade, who has a sister with a big rack somebody wants to date (yeah, missed out on a good job I was perfectly experienced for......due to that one).
Eh, if the rack was as nice as they say, I could kinda sorta see how ;-)
Anyway, it's getting old, logging into sites, networking on the web and in real life. Couple of things though:
Don't be bitter about your old boss/job. I haven't been, it just is what it is, time to move on. Do know from others that bitter will sink you.
Let people know that you are looking for a job. No need to beg, but people have their own lives going on and often don't know or remember what your situation is......even in your intermediate job, be genuinely nice and let those who may have associations know "hey, I'm still looking for a job".
Don't get your hopes up, think that something great will happen in proper time/fashion. It might, and is certainly worthy of prayer..........but don't expect it. That roller coaster is brutal.
I've played it smart, put out the effort.....and I'm about burned out. Folks new to the unemployment circus need to guard themselves from wasted energy and emotion. Hopefully your run will be short, but if not you won't have such things to waste.
Even with a logical and informed approach it can be draining. Add in the personal cost with friends moving, wacky ideas of self worth, selling crap, stress on the family/self.........it becomes a battle after about 6 months.
Think long haul and don't give up.