There is a bit of debate about whether critters like deer and elk can see colors, if I'm not mistaken, some new research is showing that they can see more than just shades of blue and red. One thing to keep in mind is that there are all kinds of colors out in the woods and the deer don't freak out whenever they come across some flagging or garbage. Being that deer and elk are prey animals, they are much more likely to react to excessive movement and most importantly, smell. Personally, I prefer 2 white and 1 white barred for my fletching, only because I see it best while in flight. I think that being able to see the arrow while it's on the way to the target is more important than concealing it while in your quiver. If you're worried the fletching will spook game, just cover them up. That being said, I've never seen a cougar or coyote that was fluorescent green or pink!