I got started as a kid at the base archery range At Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi, where my dad was stationed at the time. I was about 10, and we used green fiberglass recurves from Indian Archery (I think) with the grip that could be used by either a leftie or a rightie. (It might have been referred to as Farbenglass rather than fiberglass, but I don't remember exactly).
This pre-dated compounds. After dad was transferred, I no longer had access to archery but held on to the enjoyment.
Later, as a teenager, I bought a Ben Pearson recurve and shot sporadically, but got all caught up in the boom of the big caliber rifles. After killing a number of deer, it just seemed too easy. After all, most of my shots were under 40 yards, hardly a challenge with a scoped rifle. However, the first deer I ever killed was with this bow - a nice 10 point buck.
Finally, around 1990, I read a magazine article about Dan Quillian. It interested me a lot, so I called Dan. That same day I drove over to Athens to his house and bought a Bamboo Longhubter. I have been shooting the longbow regularly since then.
I have shot a compound a few times but just did not like them. I have never wanted to own one. No, I don't kill a lot of deer, but at least I am truly HUNTING in the manner that feel is most rewarding.