I have an answer to your question. I just ask that you open your mind and close your... preconception...
Take a jump in the water during a heat wave, when the sun drys you you are warm/hot again, of course you are, now put on some cotton and jump in the water, will you stay cooler longer? of course you will, your wet.
This will be good when you are exerting. Being in shape and tough is great and all... But, if your going to be in "it" for a while, and, you ran out of water 10 hours ago you'll appreciate the "ENDURANCE BOOST" soaking wet clothing will provide you. You will not over heat as fast as when you are dry.
When you stop sweating you will be dehydrating. Does not matter how tough you "think" you are.
Because your "not" sweating profusely does not mean your "CORE TEMP" is lower!! It means you are dehydrating and are too strong to relize it!
Yeah one might be in good shape and can carry heavy things, long distances, in hot weather, while wearing polyester {ie.recycled plastic} I hope and pray that you do not encounter explosives and/or fire, as your wicking layer will become a "sticking" layer!!! as in, it will melt "in" to you and hurt like crazy.
You "want" to sweat to a soaking! that wetness will cool you much better and is the reason your body did it in the first place why would you want to dry it off!!!
Mess with nature and you lose!! She was here long before any of us got here, and will be here long after they bury us, hopefully not in a polyester suit that would really stink.
Stay cool, get wet.
Mud and Loin Cloths Only!!!!!!!!