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Author Topic: Does Under Armour work?  (Read 2850 times)

Offline joevan125

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2010, 07:28:00 PM »
"cold gear you better keep moving"

Thats the first time i have ever heard anyone say that about this product.

I wore it 4 years in a row to canada and it always kept me warm.
Joe Van Kilpatrick

Offline fyrfyter43

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2010, 08:27:00 PM »
I tried the stuff a couple of times. Besides the fact that I can't stand wearing anything that tight to my skin, it just didn't do anything to keep me warm. Yes, I was wearing the cold gear.

It stunk after wearing it for just a short evening hunt, and I don't think I've ever been colder on a hunt with temps in the mid-30s.

Honestly, I have no use for any synthetic fabrics. I've never liked 'em, so I really don't know what possessed me to try UA.

I'll take my Ulfrottes any day over that stuff. Even in warm weather, good quality light wool does a great job regulating body temperature.
"In the joy of hunting is intimately woven the love of the great outdoors. The beauty of woods, valleys, mountains, and skies feeds the soul of the sportsman where the quest of game only whets his appetite." ~ Saxton Pope

Offline swampthing

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2010, 09:03:00 PM »
True Charlie evap. cools, but with this stuff you will evap all your water/sweat away too fast. Your body will be yo-yo'ing all day trying to keep a constant core temp. Not good for your energy level, which be directly related to your hydration level. How can one experience evap. cooling with dry skin?  
      I stand firm on this, put a wet "cotton"   t-shirt on, soak it till it sticks too you or wring it out, doesn't mater, you will be cool if not down right chilly. Wet and stuck to you is only bad if you allow it to heat up, and dry off, then your body will have to sweat more to achieve evap. cooling when your core temp starts to rise. Again needless wasted yo-yo'ing. You must insulate this sweat from the sun. Wool will do it but it must be breathable. It "will" stay damp for quite awile were as UA will dry out again and your core temp "is" going to rise. Wet skin, partially wet skin, or even just some vapor in the cotton that is touching you will keep your "CORE" temp lower thus you will survive longer with less water.
Good Day

Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2010, 09:56:00 PM »
I tried it and found that to me, it had "cold" spots in different places, when using it in cold weather.

Never tried it in the warm temps.
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Online BAK

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2010, 10:30:00 PM »
The stuff originated for just what it is called.  A way to stay cooler while wearing body armor.  I wore the stuff for years before I retired.  For those other cops and military you know what I mean.
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Offline Bill Kissner

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2010, 11:01:00 PM »
I bought a set of the UA base layer last fall and took it to Texas for the Pig Gig. As you probably read we had quite a bit of colder weather with daytime temps in the low 40's with wind. I wore my new UA base layer, levi's, flannel shirt, filson vest, and some very heavy insulated coveralls on top. I was sitting on a stand and literally froze. The UA wicked the moisture away causing a cooling effect. I was miserable enough that I knew I would not be wearing it again on a cold windy day.

The next day was about the same as far as temps and wind. I wore the same clothes as before except I wore some very light long johns instead of the UA as the base layer. I sat the same stand all day in complete comfort. I believe the UA is better suited for walking as opposed to stand hunting.
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Offline bowslinger

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2010, 02:35:00 AM »
I have tried all kinds of base layer clothing, except wool, including brands/materials such as Capilene (North Face), Thermax, bamboo, polypropylene, etc.  I plan on trying a wool base layer next.

For me personally, I like a lighter base layer with wool or fleece over that.  If I am exerting myself, and get back to camp or my truck, the heavier UA does not dry out nearly as fast as lighter UA or lighter layer of other material.  This is true of just sitting under a tree or in a tree stand as well. Once it gets wet with sweat lighter seems to dry out faster.  The outer layers are adjusted lighter or heavier for controlling heat.

Everything will stink eventually if you sweat in it.  Good hygiene and a good deodorant will help the clothing "last a little longer" between washes.
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Offline Zbearclaw

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2010, 09:01:00 AM »
I have worn heat gear for a week plus without excessive stink or any issues of needing extra hydration.

I wore it in the service and it is as comparable to cotton as leather is to rubber when used as designed.

Heat gear in cold weather equates to using the right gear wrong.  

UA helped usher in the new slimmer, more athletic fitting garments for hunting.  For that alone I am a big fan.  

Hiking with a 60lb pack for eight miles in 90deg weather will make that your last trip if you wear cotton, guaranteed.
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Offline C Kerley

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2010, 11:35:00 AM »
I'm with rraming, I'm not big on the cold gear unless I'm playing softball or something pretty active.  

As far as the heat gear, I can't say enough good about it.  I wore it last night for a 5 hour building search with a 20 pound SWAT raid vest and long sleeve BDU shirt on....it just seems to keep me feeling cool.

Offline jonsimoneau

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2010, 12:07:00 PM »
I've tried it and don't care for it.  I like Ulfrotte much better. It's warm in cold weather, and since it is good wool, it is easy to care for.  Does not obsorb odor.  I wore mine every day for a week on a hunting trip last fall.  Each night, I would let it hang outside.  I never noticed any odor, even in the armpits.  Try that with under armor, and the smell would knock a buzzard off of a gut pile!

Offline FerretWYO

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2010, 12:46:00 PM »
I am on the yes side. Though as said before you have to know its limitations. I have cold gear and heat gear and lots of other gear too. There are other things that I wear at other certian time as well though. such as wool thermals when it is really cold.
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Offline mongoose

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2010, 02:54:00 PM »
Just thought I'd add my .2 cents  :saywhat:  I've used both hot and cold gear and here in Ky I think the hot gear works great, but the cold gear nearly froze my.... well you know, off.  :biglaugh:
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Offline Stinger

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2010, 04:37:00 PM »
In the early doe only season here in the first part of September I wear a short sleeve Heat Gear shirt.  I just wear that for a top when walking into the stand and climbing up in the climber.  I'm usually pretty sweaty by the time I'm settled in the tree, but the shirt really works well to wick away the moisture.  I then put on a very light Scent Lok outer layer.  I know there are lots of nay sayers here for Scent Lok, but when I take that jacket off after walking out of the woods when I know I have sweated profusely in 80 degree temps, the Under Armor shirt has no smell.  In the fall and winter I wear the Cold Gear top and bottoms and have had great results with it.  It wicks away the moisture and leaves you dry which is a huge plus after you have been on stand for 2-3 hours after walking in and sweating badly getting up the tree.

As for price, I don't normally buy the camo stuff as it I wear a layer over it and the green or khaki is cheaper.  I also buy it at an Under Armor outlet that is close by and pay about half of what it normally sells for retail.

Online johnnyk71

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2010, 05:09:00 PM »
never used the cold gear.

i love the heat gear though. when October 15th rolls around in lower AL, it is HOT! i wear a long sleeve heat gear top, and it wicks sweat and has the added bonus of keeping skeeters at bay pretty well. i wear it under my ASAT leafy suit and i'm good to go. i wash it after every hunt, so i've never noticed it having any smell.
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Offline koger

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2010, 06:00:00 PM »
I have several sets of the knock off heat gear top and use the long sleeve version here in KY first of bow season, usually in the 90's! I have had great succcess, usually wash or change every day, use this in tandem with other scent control, wind knowledge, etc. I noticed I seem to get busted a lot less wearing this than when using cotton garments. Just my 2 cents worth.
samuel koger

Offline swampthing

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2010, 07:22:00 PM »
I have an answer to your question. I just ask that you open your mind and close your... preconception...
 Take a jump in the water during a heat wave, when the sun drys you you are warm/hot again, of course you are, now put on some cotton and jump in the water, will you stay cooler longer? of course you will, your wet.
This will be good when you are exerting. Being in shape and tough is great and all... But, if your going to be in "it" for a while, and, you ran out of water 10 hours ago you'll appreciate the "ENDURANCE BOOST" soaking wet clothing will provide you. You will not over heat as fast as when you are dry.
When you stop sweating you will be dehydrating. Does not matter how tough you "think" you are.
   Because your "not" sweating profusely does not mean your "CORE TEMP" is lower!! It means you are dehydrating and are too strong to relize it!
Yeah one might be in good shape and can carry heavy things, long distances, in hot weather, while wearing polyester {ie.recycled plastic} I hope and pray that you do not encounter explosives and/or fire, as your wicking layer will become a "sticking" layer!!! as in, it will melt "in" to you and hurt like crazy.
 You "want" to sweat to a soaking! that wetness will cool you much better and is the reason your body did it in the first place why would you want to dry it off!!!
Mess with nature and you lose!! She was here long before any of us got here, and will be here long after they bury us, hopefully not in a polyester suit that would really stink.
Stay cool, get wet.
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Offline c'ville

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2010, 09:08:00 PM »
+1 here.  I love the stuff.  I played soccer in it year round and I havent seen anything else like it.  I use it for both hunting and striper fishing in the winter as it is not bulky.  I can wear it under a wool shirt and a windbreaker and it keeps me very warm without impairing movement.  I have not used the heat gear in a few years but when I played during August it was a lifesaver.
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Offline Running Buck

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2010, 11:11:00 AM »
Never used the heat gear, I like cotten for summer time use. As far as cold weather goes,nothing beats silk underwear with a layer of wool over it for stand hunting. I use under armor for small game hunting with dogs only because you are on the move all day and it does keep you pretty dry.

Offline Stinger

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2010, 01:40:00 PM »
Swampthing.  I suggest you check out any article that discusses the process of sweating and what clothing to wear.  When you sweat, the only way you cool down is through evaporation of water from your skin. But if the air is holding too much water already, the sweat stays on your skin and you get little to no relief from the heat. Cotton holds the sweat and prevents the moisture from evaporating and will not cool you as fast as a moisture wicking fabric that pulls the moisture from your skin and evaporates faster.

Offline Slomo

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Re: Does Under Armour work?
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2010, 04:35:00 PM »
I just started wearing it a few years ago. I'm old school and a sceptic(still don't believe in scent loc) but hot and cold gear both work for me.

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