CJ Pearson brought his family south for a fourth of July weekend get away. His wife and daughters made quite a crowd when you added my wife, daughter, and son. They raided the local beaches and had a blast.
Myself and CJ had other plans on Ft Stewart with our Apex Predator Sapelo longbows. The cooler weather was a blessing for sure! We hunted Sat morning, all day Sunday, and Monday morning. We had some other folks join us along the way. Ward Kaiser, Martin Hubbard, Robert Carter, and Chris Spikes were also able to enjoy part of the weekend in the woods.
The first day had myself, CJ, and Ward in the swamp. CJ and I both had close encounters, but no cigar. The morning started out at 65 degrees, and it only warmed to the low 80s. What a beautiful day!
The second day CJ and I tried an archery only area, figuring that it may have had less pressure. We split up and left the truck. After marking several great deer stand locations, I saw movement in the distance. The wind was cooperating, so I moved in fast. I had my eye on a big black sow, but a smaller red one kept getting in the way. Nineteen yards and slightly quartering was all I could stand. A CE heritage shaft with a 250 grain VPA head was on it's way! When the arrow thumped it in the ribs, hogs scattered every which way. I figure there were 15 in the sounder. My red one never ran, but just trotted off. I thought I saw it go down a short distance away. Several other hogs went to the downed hog and tried to get her up and away. The loud squeeling started then, but was over briefly. Just then someone says "heh"! I turn around and it was CJ, who was stalking the same sounder of pigs! He didn't see me, and couldn't figure out what that thump sound of my arrow striking home was until he saw my bow tip sticking out from behind a tree.
We walked up to where the pig was standing and found my arrow.

The pig only made it 40 yards! She was larger than I thought, and probably weighed 100#.

I insisted that CJ continue to hunt while I cleaned my pig. Good thing too, because within 30 minutes he got on another group of pigs! I'll let him tell his story.

We were both shooting Apex Predator Sapelo longbows! Mine is a 68" hinged take-down drawing 50@28, and his is 66" and draws 57@28.