This is more for you "Old-Timers".....
Not really "old" but those of you who have been at this game for a LONG time. Regular guys who are probly "middle-aged" and have kids who are pretty much grown.
I grew up with traditional archery equipment,went the compound route for a few years,then gave up bowhunting completely in the early 1980's. I started shooting traditional again back in 1999. Raised 2 boys shooting traditional,and even had a custom bow built for my wife which she shot VERY often.
Now, my oldest son is in college and never shoots at all. My youngest is 11 and usualy shoots with me when I ask him,but never asks me or shows the enthusiasm to grab his bow and go out by himself.(which he is completely allowed to do) Like any else,we are far from poor. My wife and I both work very busy jobs,which we are both VERY blessed to have in this day an age. There are always bills to be paid,which just makes us work more. Rule number 1) NEVER say NO to overtime!!!(you never know when it will dry up!!!) Lately we have been fighting car problems... As of today,2 out of 3 cars are out of commission!!!
Maybe I've just got the blues LOL!!! I'm feeling "old" (gonna be 50 next month) and feeling sorry for myself (Oh POOR ME!!! I've got problems,and bills to pay) Honestly though, I'm a VERY Lucky Man!!!!! I've got a wonderful wife who loves me,and sticks by me through thick and thin!!! 2 of the best boys that a man could ever ask for!!! AND, I've got a secure well paying job that some men would kill me forif they could get away with it and just step in and take my place!!!!! I am truely blessed, Things are tough!!! But,they could be alot worse I know!!!!!
My problem is this.....
I try and get out and shoot my bow when I can. However, I just can't find any enjoyment in it. Most times I only shoot a few arrows and come back inside. There is always something more "important" to do.(like work lol) I used to shoot almost every day,sometimes for hours. Now,I hardly shoot at all. To be completely honest,I haven't even touched my bow since April when I was getting ready for Turkey Season.(Btw,THAT didn't happen either)
Traditional Bowhunting is in my heart. That is the way it is and always will be!!!
But, It's just not "fun" anymore.....
Thanks for listening!!!!!