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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???  (Read 1983 times)

Offline Tsalagi

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2010, 01:14:00 AM »
I had kind of an opposite thing. I was heavily into trad archery, but a few years ago, I got into milsurp firearms. Oh, I had them all: Soviet capture K-98s that I refinished, Mosin Nagants, British SMLEs, Finn M-39s... Well, first I ran out of the cheap 8mm ammo. Then I ran out of the cases of 7.62x54mm I had. Then it just stopped being fun and was just too expensive. By this time I also had an AR-15 and a mint condition M1 carbine (Winchester manufacture.) Then I got laid off and had to sell most of them. But I couldn't afford to shoot any of them anyway.

Then I remembered: Hey! When I was into traditional archery, I could RE-USE my ammo, provided I didn't break or lose arrows. I got back into traditional archery and have an activity I can actually afford now.

Heads Carolina, Tails California...somewhere greener...somewhere warmer...or something soon to that effect...

Offline eric-thor

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2010, 02:42:00 AM »
i took 2.5 yrs off after about 5 of shooting every day .i would drive from vegas to globe az: about 7 hrs drive . to shoot a couple hrs and go back to vegas. id go anywhere to shoot within reason my reason . than i just got to the point mostly financial but lost track of friends and really had no one to shoot with .i eventually got bored. so i just didnt shoot . life was in the crapper . i finally got out of vegas and as soon as i did i couldnt wait to go shooting and made new friends and some old ones . life is good again . i love to shoot alone but not as much fun as with friends . join a group or club make some friends that shoot trad also. go out and stump shoot take crazy shoots have fun broken arrows are replaceable shoot areals learn to make arrows or even bows .work is a necessity but happyness is just as important if not more.
if i had money id definately be planning a hunting trip . have a custome bow made the one you allways wanted . go have fun man . you only live once . dont go out saying "i wish i had...."

  :campfire:    :coffee:    :coffee:
form is everything! shoot well shoot hard.

Offline AkDan

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2010, 03:29:00 AM »
man this sounds all to familiar.

It's been a few years for me.  Started when I started taking the fun to a sort of side buisness.  I was doing it anyways, building arrows for people, it only made sense to get a couple dealerships to help curb the cost.  

Being x military and working for the military, obviously most of my friends and hunting buddies are yup military of some sort, mostly active which creates a small conflict of interest.   Alaska unlike the states takes time to teach.  People show up here with a 'kill list' more often then not and as time went on I found out real fast that those friends were friends only because of the knowledge I had.  Luckily I kept my mouth shut for sheep.

Over time my close hunting partners pcs'd or ets'd outta here.  There is still a couple guys I think are in my shoes that did retire here.  We were all hard into it.  I have been for almost 20 years now.  Then the 2 years before divorce, stopped building arrows and strings for people, gone most of the summer guiding home just in time to catch what was left of moose season, missed all together sheep season.

Those hunting partners were gone......and so was the fire that had spawned a lifetimes obsession, if you come into my house, you'll quickly learn this is not a hobby!  Though most of it is still packed today from the move a couple years ago, there is enough in every room to convience even the most uneducated otherwise.   I still go home and hunt whitetails or turkeys (though this year chose not to do it with the longbow), I did shoot a black bear this year with the liberty another first, again only finding out military guys trying to pawn info to the point a friend went out less then 24 hrs and sat my stand and shot another bear off of it...kinda irked me a little, on the other hand I'm happy he did shoot his first bear.

Seems there's one thing in common with most of us that have posted on this thread......friends, someone to shoot with.   Traditional archery, well all archery for that matter, is when it comes to hunting, typically a loner's approach as my one close hunting buddy puts it.  But in there the comradre of it all is why most of us got into it in the first place.  

I work my tail off like the next guy, still dream about hunts coming up and hunts past.  Finding a hunting partner, something almost needed up here, is harder then finding a spouse.  The fire that had me shooting daily all winter, and summer, for hours isn't there.   Now I can hardly shoot more then a handful of arrows before the joints in my string hand are sore, my concentration is gone.   Or I'm start stewing again over the poor arrow quality, buisness relations (at the dearship level) and life that has led me up to this point.  I WILL change it alone if I have too......it sure as hell aint gonna be as much fun though!

There's my resume, need a hunting partner?   :smileystooges:

Offline wollelybugger

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2010, 06:15:00 AM »
Try making your own bow out of a piece of wood. It is relaxing and you will be thinking about something else rather than life.

Offline Hoyt

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2010, 06:22:00 AM »
I'm 63 (started shooting bows in mid 50's) and love shooting and hunting more every day.

I have never tired or got bored with it, but did take about a yr break after my first open heart surgery (when I was 43} and divorce.

I've since had major back surgery, knee, another bypass surgery (16yrs later), 4 angio-plasties about 20 heart caths, have 6 stints in my heart and supposed to have a total of about 13 as needed. By passes don't work for me..thus the series of stints. My last open heart, 5 bypasses all closed up within a month.

I am a loner and enjoy hunting and shooting alone. The main reason it doesn't get boring for me is I realize every season could be my last and I try to get as much in as possible.

I will score myself when shooting around the house. Sometimes I'll shoot 4 arrows from 4 different distances at 10 rounds. I use a deer target and only kill shots count..10pts each.

Offline Jeremy

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2010, 07:31:00 AM »
I hear you Chuck.  I haven't been shooting much and haven't really hunted whitetails the last 3 years (and it doesn't look likely for this season either).  Similar story, just a few years ahead of you: 30, two small kids (3 and 6 months), wife who's not working anymore (and was at a non-profit earning pennies b4), mounting bills, not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to get done; forget about what I want to get done!  
When I do get to shoot there's always the nagging thought in my mind that I should be trying to finish something "more important"

Sounds like a bunch of us need to share a campfire in the Catskills this Fall and recharge the soul.
>>>-TGMM Family Of The Bow-->
CT CE/FS Chief Instructor
"Death is not the greatest loss in life.  The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." - Norman Cousins

Offline mcgroundstalker

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #26 on: July 07, 2010, 07:48:00 AM »
Hey Chuck... We are all the same here. Guess you can say that "life happens" and we are all caught up in it. Working, Honey-Do-List and Family Events can take up most of our time. I'm a guy that has not slept past 5am in many years... Anyway...

We (you) NEED to make the time to have fun with your trad gear. Gonna have to get the green light from your wife first. That will make it work out. Just my 2 cents.  ;)

... mike ...
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies"

Offline James Wrenn

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2010, 07:53:00 AM »
Well when it quits being fun I quit doing it.It is a hobby not a priority.

I shoot only when I feel like shooting.I never go out and shoot because I feel like I need to practice or anything like that.During this time of year with a lot of high ninety and over days I seldom get in the mood to just shoot.When the weather cools the mood always strikes and I might shoot several times a day.But only when I want to.   :)   This stuff is not a job.   ;)
....Quality deer management means shooting them before they get tough....

Offline Curveman

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2010, 08:31:00 AM »
If you've lost interest in other hobbies as well and you are having trouble eating and sleeping then you may be depressed. That would require attention. If none of those things are true then why be hard on yourself over something that should be fun?! I don't shoot everyday by any means and I usually shoot even less during most winters as I love to ski. The only "should" I feel about this or any sport is the one that says I need to remain proficient enough that it's ethical for me to hunt. I'll still take many days off to go bird hunting with my buddies instead. Some might act like I'm "betraying the faithful" if I do that but this trad thing shouldn't ever be cultish and I never argue about having fun-with anyone, or myself even!    :)
Compliance Officer MK,LLC
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Offline Turkeys Fear Me

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2010, 08:38:00 AM »
Shooting your bow is kind of like sex. Sometimes it's a hassle to get started but once you do, you are usually glad you did.  Second, it's rarely any fun doing it alone.  Third, if all else fails, try some new "gear"


Offline lpcjon2

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2010, 11:02:00 AM »
Chuck,Does that job offer therapy...LOL You should find some guys who are your age to shoot with on a regular basis.Some of the older gents have a Wednesday night shoot club and they are a joyful bunch to watch.And prep with the grandchild for when they are ready.Or go out and build an archery range,"if you build it they will come".start a over 50 shoot in your yard every 3rd Saturday,at worst you will meet new friends.Stay strong my brother.
Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a
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Offline woodchucker

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2010, 11:14:00 AM »
Thank You My Friends for all of your kind comments and concerns!!!!!  :notworthy:

Curveman,Yes in fact I have also lost intrest in my other hobbies..... But, I really don't think it's "depression". More like... "FRUSTRASION"!!!!!   :mad:

The vehical problems are KILLING ME!!! We have 3 people in the house(with my son home for the summer) who have to get back and forth to work,and with 2 out of 3 cars out of commission it's TOUGH!!! (I had to walk 2 miles to the gas station to get transmission fluid for my son's car just to find out that it's pouring out in a stream and I won't be able to drive it to the shop and get it fixed. Looks like it's gonna have to be towed,but heck,at least I got some excercise LOL!!!)

A few years ago, I trade in my old pick-up on a little blue BMW convertable for my beautiful wife's 40th bithday present. Figured it was time to get rid of the "Mom Mobile" and get her something as goodlooking as she was to drive around in. I miss my old truck.....

It wasn't anything special,just an old black 1994 Chevy 1500 Ext.Cab. Heck,it wasn't even 4WD. But man it was reliable!!!!! Oh yeah,it broke down now and then like all trucks do. But I called her the $500 wonder... It never took more than $500 to get her running again!!!!! Right now the most frustrating thing is that I couldn't get in anything and "go" even if I wanted to!!!!!

That was where the shooting came in. If I want to go fly-fishing,I have to drive to one of the many wonderful trout streams around. I'm not much of a fly tyer,but I don't even have the enthusiasm to tie any.(I've got BOXES of them anyway) I figured shooting my bow was easy,no need to drive anywhere,just grab my bow and arrows and walk out the back door!!! But, I just don't enjoy going out there anymore. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep working and "keep on,keeping on".....

Thanks Again My Friends!!!!!   :notworthy:
I only shoot WOOD arrows... My kid makes them, fast as I can break them!

There is a fine line between Hunting, & Sitting there looking Stupid...

May The Great Spirit Guide Your Arrows..... Happy Hunting!!!

Offline OkKeith

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2010, 11:53:00 AM »

Sometimes life can get a little too crowded in our heads. I understand what you are calling "frustration".

I have been without a job for 10 months now, not looking for any pity, I just tell you this as a sort of bonafides. I am a really active guy. Always have a project or an outing planned. I got really down on myself, let the bows and the flyrods both get real dusty. I felt a little guilty about going and doing something fun when things were tight for us. It took the very special gal I love (and who loves me) to tell me "Get your butt off the couch! Go build something, go loose some arrows, go snag some flies in the trees!"

I called a buddy, we threw some Spam and 'tater chips in the truck and spent a few days in the woods. I felt a lot better.

I know how you feel, I really do! Life drains our batteries. We have to do things that recharge them. Sometimes it takes a little effort to break through the rust that forms and get the gears turning again. Do a little something fun so you can remember what fun is. Start small, play some catch with your son, go get ice cream with the family.

Time to start your Recreation Rehabilitation!

In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt

Offline Lee Robinson .

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2010, 11:58:00 AM »
I think it depends somewhat on WHY did you get into archery in the first place? Was it to develop a skill, to have use for social interactions with a certain person or type of person, was it for hunting, or was it to escape the chois of life by finding some release from worldly ways?

Regardless, if you are not enjoying it, then the "spark" (reward) of what got you into it in the first place has deminished. If you enjoyed shooting with your kids, don't get into "routines." Don't just stand in front of a target to work on "practice" or form. Keep the enjoyment in it as well. Find archery games to reward your son's participation in order to develop his interest. To do this, buy a case of cheap cola, shake it up and have him shoot at it with blunts. Or, water balloons, or perhaps eggs...something to put emotion/drama into archery...to REWARD him. YOU WILL FIND PLEASURE IN HIS PLEASURE. I promise you that. Somthing else that might help BOTH you and your son is to let him shoot at least 3 shots for every 1 time you shoot. Shoot with people that are fun. Don't use score cards and if at a 3D shoot, don't turn in a score, but just shoot a fun round from whereever you want to shoot. Just focus on the fun. Keep your shots close so you don't have to spend time looking for arrows that miss. Keep it fun.
Until next time...good shooting,

Offline maxwell

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2010, 12:00:00 PM »
I have been shooting trad bows for over 50 years-  I love the flight of the arrow wouldn't know what to do without it.   Hope it comes back for you.

Offline brinkwolf

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2010, 12:15:00 PM »
I feel ya. I shot most my life and just recently got back to Archery after a couple year hiatas. Now that I'm on this site maybe it will help keep me interested again(well plus the new BW bow I have coming).

Offline Mitch-In-NJ

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2010, 12:41:00 PM »
Originally posted by Turkeys Fear Me:
Shooting your bow is kind of like sex. Sometimes it's a hassle to get started but once you do, you are usually glad you did.  Second, it's rarely any fun doing it alone.  Third, if all else fails, try a new "bow."

Best... quote... EVER!

I don't care what anyone calls it.  The blues, depression, frustration... it's all different names for the same thing.  As long as we have responsibilities and bills we are all candidates for a bout of it now and again.

When I get it I treat it.  Eat better, sleep a bit more, take vitamins, more exercise, etc.

Just this weekend I was feeling it a bit.  My brother REALLY let me down (no need for details) and no one asked me to a 4th of July BBQ or anything and I got bent a little.

Took the dog stumping (it could just as easily have been a hike) near the Delaware.  The walking, the heat, watching the dog do her thing... completely changed my attitude.

Ran to the PA side of the Delaware and picked up some fireworks, invited a buddy to the house.  Grilled up some grub, lit some fireworks and enjoyed the cooler temps that the night brought.  And didn't think about any of the stuff that was bringing me down.

It isn't about losing interest in anything, I think.  It's about being burdened with other things.
"The encouragement of a proper hunting spirit, a proper love of sport, instead of being incompatible with a love of nature and wild things, offers the best guaranty for their preservation."

-- Theodore Roosevelt

Offline Shakes.602

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2010, 12:56:00 PM »
Try to get a Young Neighbor or Friends Child interested in Trad. Archery, or Archery Period. Its Amazing, even if YOU dont Loose an Arrow to see the Excitement and Just Plain FUN in their Little Eyes!! That will bring back some of the Fun, I guarantee it!!
"Carpe Cedar" Seize the Arrow!
"Life doesn't get Simpler; it gets Shorter and Turns in Smaller Circles." Dean Torges
"Faith is to Prayer what the Feather is to the Arrow" Thomas Morrow
"Ah Think They Should Outlaw Them Thar Crossbows" A Hunting Pal


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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2010, 01:18:00 PM »
The last time I felt like life was taking over and I was old and that things were not fun anymore I stayed out till 3 in the morning frog giggin.  :campfire:
It's not the arrival, it's the journey.

Offline Bill Turner

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Re: What do you do when it's just not "fun" anymore???
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2010, 02:09:00 PM »
I havn't read all the post but I will give you my opinion. I try to shoot 4 or 5 times a week in my yard. Maybe 25 to 30 arrows maybe 100 depends on how I feel. This keeps me sharp and ready when hunting opportunities present themselves but it is also a way for me to relax and clear my mind. Next, I highly recommend a shooting/hunting bud. Someone who has similar likes and interest who you enjoy beiong around. Someone who loves traditional archery if possible. Maybe a son, grandson, friend or neighbor. Next, attend 3-D shoots with your friend. Make it an annual affair. My bud and I have two big shoots(weekend events) we attend every year and a few other smaller ones if we can. Plan these trips like a hunting trip, well in advance, and go come hell or high water. Clear the calendar and let everyone know you will not be available that weekend and stick to it. When your not shooting and have free time, stay active in archery related activities. Arrow building, equipment adjustments and upkeep, broadhead and knife sharpening etc. Join and become active in your state archery association or a local archery club. You don't have to be shooting to enjoy traditional archery but it is always nice to have someone to share the experience with.

Finally, as a financial planner, I am always telling my clients to write a check to themselves each month. This mostly applies to retirement planning/saving. It is just as important for you to make time for yourself each month doing something that you enjoy doing. This is after grass cutting, honey do's, etc. There are plenty of things you can do that are archery related that will recharge your battery if you'll just take the time to do it. If you don't chances are you are a heart attack waiting to happen. Good luck and God Bless.    :knothead:

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