Upload From Your PC
1.Select the "Albums & Upload" tab on your main account page.
2.Select "Images from my PC."
3.Click the "Browse" button and find the image on your computer. (If you have a lot of images to upload, you might consider using the bulk uploader, below.)
4.Add a title to your image. If you don't do it now, you can still title your image later on.
5.Repeat this process for every image you want to upload. Click on the "add more" link if you have more than three images to upload.
6.Once you're done selecting all your images, click on the "Upload" button. It may take a while to upload your images, depending on how big they are; be patient!
7.You can now add titles, descriptions, or tags to your images. Again, if you don't do it now, you can do it later.
8.Finally, select "Save and Continue." Your images have been uploaded!