I am a long time gunsmith, built over 200 custom bolt guns, several trad. muzzleloaders. I have shot for years on a local, state and national level in muzzle loader competition and have a deep love for black walnut, curly maple and browned steel. I usually fill 3 out of 4 of my deer tags with a recurve, but usually save one for late ML season. It has been a tradition around here for about 16 years, 6 or 7 of us get together, including my wife who hunts and have a great time hunting and enjoying each others fellowship. I also am a serious varmint hunter, chasing woodchucks and coyotes year round here in KY, and since cutting down on these populations is paramount, I use one of my own custom long range rigs I have built. Very seldom do I ever gun hunt deer, unless on a drawn specific hunt, or the landowner has crop tags and is specific about his weapon choices for hunters.I am a die hard bowhunter, sold my compounds long ago. I have had seasons where I only bow hunted, trad bow hunted, or trad ML hunted, and have been successful as well. After loosing my 20 year old son 8 years ago, I realized we shouldnt box ourselves in, or leave other people out of any situation which affords quality time with true friends, in any given outdoor activity. Seize the opportunity to enjoy any time afield, take a youngster hunting and see the new spark in their eye, with whatever means, and maybe, just maybe, someday they will feel the longing to bend a trad bow, see the magic in a simple arrows arch to the target and understand what we all feel. If you give a newbie to hunting a ultimatum, no matter what the age we stand a 50/50 chance of alienating them from the sport. Its all good, enjoy it all, and trad. bowhunting and archery is my favorite. let others have theirs as well. Just MHO. Sam