I am a little delinquent with this as I picked this bow up from Joe Lasch at Compton, but I've been busy...
This bow is a 1949 or 50 Grizzly. From everything I can find out, there is no way to tell which year it is, but I believe it is a '49 as my grandfather was pretty much on the cutting edge of bowhunting in Michigan back in the day. He knew of Fred Bear and his back door archery shop when he was in Detroit not far from gramp's home.
The next time I am up visiting my grandmother, I am going to try to find some old photos of this bow in action. I know it took a few deer way back in the day. I even remember seeing in action in some ancient home movies--some of the first hunting videos.
Anyway, my grandfather died a few years ago and my grandmother gave me a couple of his old bows. One a 1968 Kodiak Hunter with the factory camo (I am going to try to strip it down myself) and this Grizzly. Since it was purlely a hunting bow, it had various camo concoctions placed on it over the years. All this combined with 50 years of sitting and baking in the attic turned it into on big nasty black and green mess. It was NASTY.
I gave it to Joe and asked him if he could restore it so I could put it over the mantle. After I gave it to him, I sent him a note to take a couple before pictures. This is the only way he let me down...his before pictures in no way show how truly awful this bow looked :D
This was the nicest spot on the whole bow:
Next I will post the after photos as the thing is telling me I am over the limit of pics!