Just read a post by Igvivian. Long story short..he picked up an "Addiction" bow, shot it and bought it. He had this to say." The bow I tried shot smooth and fast, and felt great in the hand! I was hooked...."
I have rarely read any threads about guys getting new bows and being "amazed" by the speed. If you read thru very many of the posts on this site and others about new bows acqusitions speed of the bow is one of the qualities that is almost always mentioned. I'm not saying speed is good or bad...but it is a big factor in what people find appealing in a bow and many of us look for it.
In the old days it was difficult to make a fast bow and maintain stability. Read some older articles about bow performance and often the "trade offs" to get a fast bow were mentioned and they were not always the most accurate bows back then, but there were exceptions. Today with better and more advanced materials, designs, etc. getting speed and accuracy does not present the problems it used to. We are fortunate that we live today where you can buy a bow the is fast or slow and is still a great shooter. I still maintain that regardless of the qualities you may seek in a bow (or arrow) accuracy and straight shooting trump everything. But, fortunately, we can now have both if we want it or need it.