First off, I'm only posting this to ask what the definition of "limited" means. I realize that when "limited" isn't defined it becomes a very "gray" area.
I'm not going to mention the bowyer, and am NOT here to put anyone down, nor drag their name over the coals. They are NOT a sponsor here, but none-the-less.....I just want the problem fixed.
I purchased a "new" bow from a bowyer that advertises as having the longest warranty offered on bows in the business. That being said, it seems that the problem may, or may not be fixed under the warranty. I have noticed that, what looks to me like "air bubbles" under the finish. They are on both sides of the limbs and seem to be the worst at the areas where the limbs flex (it is a recurve, by the way). I contacted the bowyer and told him of my findings and also mentioned that I had only had the bow for a little over a month. He told me that he had never had any trouble with his finish on his bows.........which I have no reason to doubt.
I mentioned that the bow was still under warranty and that I would like for it to be taken care of. He said that he couldn't tell anything about it without being able to "see" the limbs for himself. I intend to fix that, courtesy of the U.S.P.S. Perhaps when he said that he couldn't tell anything about them was in another way saying........"Send them to me" and I am jumping to conclusions.........if so, shame on me. I can assure you that I haven't done anything to cause this to happen to the limbs outside of shooting arrows. I also know for a fact that the arrows that I am shooting are well within the 8 to 10 gpp for the bow.
The other thing that bothers me about the limbs are that they are marked about 3# lighter than they really are. That might not sound like much, but most bowyers are keeping it within 2#, or at least that has been my experience. I feel I need to also add that I bought this bow from the "in stock" list of bows that were already built and ready to ship. To further complicate the issue, I had an order in for a longbow built to my specs. I ordered the bow to be 50# @ 29" and receive a call from the bowyer telling me that the limbs had came in "heavy"........and wanting to know "what weight" I would be satisfied with. I said.........50# @ 29" and the reply back was that it was gonna take a lot of grinding to get them down to that. it, I ordered what I wanted and answered the question honestly.
I have in the past few months spent right at $2000 with this bowyer for his bows, including the final payment on the longbow that I ordered. Before receiving the longbow, I mentioned the limbs on the recurve and the air bubbles under the finish. There was never anything said, directly anyways about just sending in the limbs and getting the problem taken care of. I reluctantly went ahead and paid the final $500 for the bow that I ordered, which did come in at the weight that I ordered.
I don't feel that I am a hard person to please, and that I am being unreasonable at all to "expect" someone to honor their advertised "longest warranty in the business". Let me add one more suggestion by the bowyer as to how to "check" to see if it actually was air bubbles under the finish. This is directly from the bowyers mouth. "Take some 4-0 steel wool and directly over the air bubbles.......polish it down to see if they go away".
What the hell ???? Then the limbs would be damaged by ME !!!!! I think not......the limbs will go out in the mail this week. One way or another these limbs will be refinished. If the bowyer doesn't want to fix a problem that was no fault of mine.......I will have someone else refinish the whole bow. assured, I will never spend another dollar with him for one of his bows. This just all leaves a "bad taste" in my mouth. With all the talented bowyers out there today.......this is something that I refuse to have to deal with. It won't do any good to ask me "who" this is, because the ONLY way that I am going to tell anyone is "if" I have to send the whole bow to someone else to have it refinished.
Like I said, never several different conversations about this problem did the bowyer say.......just send the limbs to me and let me fix the problem. Then again, perhaps the word "limited" in his eyes means something that I'm not seeing.
What think ye ????