yes. . .
OK just teasing
You know. . many folks worry too much about what is trad and what is bad. Play the game and get used to what you are doing. If you think you need a rangefinder, well, get one and use it for a bit. Terry's rules I guess are that you can't sell one here. His game, his rules, we are guests.
If you are truly gonna keep your shots tight, like 20-25 yards or less, you will find that after not so long, you won't mistake by so much that it matters. Then start leaving it at home or give it to one of your buddies that needs it.
I have used one before and I personally think that by the time I use it the deer is already gone.
I personally advise you to put that money into arrows and just go stump shooting a bunch before season. Before you know it, you "won't need no stinkin rangefinder" !