Hey Guys,
I have a quick question on the best way to handle an encounter with a mother moose and her calf.
I got charged by a mother moose the other day while scouting for elk.
We spotted a calf and its mother about 60 yards away from us, we were just sitting tight and watching. The calf suddenly started running up the same trail we were on. When the calf was about 25 yards from us I tossed a rock near the calf hoping to scare it back to it's mother or off the trail. It worked, the calf spooked and turned around and ran back to momma. The cow however put her head down and ran full throttle right at us. We scattered quickly, she covered 60 yards in less than seven seconds. By the time she got to us we had split up, behind a tree and in the brush. She was unable to figure out who or what to stomp to death so after a few minutes she left.
My question is, what could I have done differently to keep her from charging? Stayed still and let the calf run up to us? Yelled and made noise instead of throwing a rock. Or just backed away at the first sign of a mother and a calf. I hate to run off just because I saw a moose and a calf.
BTW, Just a half hour earlier while sitting on a hillside a different mother and calf bedded down and fed 30 yards below us while we glassed the other side. She knew we were there, the wind was at our backs and she looked at us for quite some time. No problem.
I plan to hunt this area during elk season but I have little experience with moose. Any help would be appreciated.