No shame here with me about rifles Andy. I'd say lots of guys here like to hear the rifle crack. I love archery, more than any other type of hunting. But PA seasons are so screwed up, if you like to hunt, you gotta do what you gotta do. My second love, is long range groundhog hunting. I have a 37 pound custom rifle I use for that, with a 1960's 24X Unertl on it(the tradtional part coming out in me). Even though I'm going to Denton for the primitave archery, I can guarantee, my .22-250, and .220 Swift will make the trip to take advantages of the long fields up north. Besides, unless I'm wrong because I'm a newbie too. Is this not the Pow Wow, where we can chat? I'd say your question was a good one, as I know I don't do a search on every subject. I'd also guess that large numbers of traditional hunters use between 45-50 pound bows for good reason. Control. In another life about 20 years ago, when I was in my 20's, I had a 72# Damon Howett Hunter (measure of my manhood. Yea, I shot it real good, lol Ended up with a 65# Wapiti TD, then ended up with a 52# set of limbs for that. I now shoot 51#, can handle it, and if I must say so, I think I shoot it very well on my good days. Can I shoot a heavier bow? Sure. Can I shoot it well enough to have the confidence I need. No! Everything aside, a good shot with a light bow, is better than a poor shot from a heavy one. Shoot the poundage that is good for you, and forget what everyone else shoots. It's a moot subject. Joe Blow shooting 65# ain't going to be in my treestand. Closing, Do check game laws. Again, just my opinion.