I did a LOT of reading, looking for some great stalking boots that'd be:
1. Quiet
2. Keep my feet dry
I ended up going with the LL Bean Maine Hunting Shoe. It comes in different heights (I ended up getting the 12", but they come in lower), but I did run into some strange size/fit issues. Looks like I've got those figured out now and am waiting to get out with them hopefully this next week or so.
I did notice walking around my house that they are extremely quiet-can't even hear the heel strike on my hardwood floors. A little leather conditioner/wax, etc keeps them good and waterproof. The soles are made more flexible so they form to what you're walking over, so they seem to be quieter than thicker/heavier vibram type soles. From what I understood while researching all of it, the thinner, more flexible sole is what gets you a quieter boot while stalking.
Anyway, if you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me. Some other guys on here (from AK) had these same boots and swore by them. Good luck