I was surfing the net and found an interesting clip.
It was made for showing the need for heavy equipment when shooting a boar thru the shield and into the engine room.
The guy shooting used a wheelie @70#
2114 shaft and a 100 grain 3 blade broadhead.
The shot was done at 12 yards against an already dead European boar, full side.
I guess the arrow weighed ca 420-425 grains. (2114 is I believe 10.2 gpi+ nock and vanes)
The shot went in ca 2,5" - 3" at maximum
I know we are not discussing wheelies etc,
my point is wow, you really need some heavy equipment to take down a mature hog if you are shooting it full side and hitting the shields!!
Maybe there is a difference between the European hog and others but again I believe for hogs: "heavy is good, heavy is reliable"