I'm going to give away a three pack of either our 100 grain screw-in or 150 grain glue-on Phoenix 3-blade single bevel broadheads.
Why a single bevel? Mainly because they are sharper. Most 3-blade broadheads are sharpened two blades at a time producing a 60 degree bevel on the blade. By going to a single bevel we've reduced that angle to 34 degrees = sharper.
As an added benefit the head rotates on impact. We've tested this on a number of mediums and are finding that the rotation of blades in hard surfaces, like frying pans, opens a wider hole allowing for less drag on the shaft as the arrow penetrates.
Anyway, if you'd like to try a "Flight of the Phoenix" just put a response on this thread. My daughter will pick a name from the first 100 people to post a reply here and I'll send you a three pack. Here's what they look like