Since I am returning to traditional archery almost all of my equipment and accessories are new. I will be using new bow; arrow, quiver, broad heads, glove, etc. this season. I've been "testing" all this stuff since December.
Knowing how I am, I'm likely to change everything but the broadhead and quiver every hunting season. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I don't use at least two different recurves during this coming season. I'm shooting 3 recurves interchangeably and will add another to the line-up next week when some weight-reduced limbs arrive for my Black Widow PSAIII.
I shoot a 22-target 3-D range I built in the woods out back at least every other day. I keep track of my effectiveness on this range with the various bows I'm shooting. All the shots are from 14-25 yards. In the next couple of days I'll put up a pop-up blind on this course and practice from it because I'm planning to come down from the trees a couple times this coming season.