Thought you might like to see the NEW Law:
FERAL HOGS: Feral Hogs may be hunted year round on private properties with any legal weapon, except on Sunday, in all 94 counties where the Wild Boar season is not in effect. Feral Hogs may be hunted on NC Gamelands on any day when a season for ANY game animal is open. For example, they may be hunted during squirrel season, turkey, rabbit, raccoon, oppossum,deer, duck (waterfowl), bear season.. on gamelands where and when hunting is permitted for any game animal. This rule is in effect now. Feral Hogs may be baited on private lands, but not on game lands. There is no law preventing it at this time except on game lands where it is illegal to bait. Also, Feral Hogs can be hunted at night. Col. Everhart (NCWRC) says, "They are not regulated by the WRC so we do not have any rules prohibiting hunting them at night."