My grandson has been coming over to our house and saying "bows and arrows" for quite some time when he sees mine. He is only 2 1/2 yrs old and was thinking, along with his parents, that we should wait until 3 before giving him his first bow. Well between Dallen's persistence and grandpa giving in to his pleads I presented him with a bow last night. The bow was made by a friend on this site named Oregon Oakie. Thanks Russ! Your bow was a huge hit! Infact, the wading pool activity took back seat!
At first Dallen couldn't believe it when I handed it to him and said it was HIS bow. His remark was "Dallen's bow??? After it sunk in he immediately asked about arrows! haha So, I put up some cardboard and walked him back about 3yds. We talked a little bit about some basis safety stuff. Then I helped him with putting the arrow on the string and stuff. His first shot stuck in the cardboard. That was a big deal! He had to yell back to mom, who was on the deck, of this accomplishment. Lots of fun. What a blessing. Thank you Lord.