I shoot split finger and have primarily used a calf hair tab since the 90's. For me they are very easy to use. I can rotate it to the back of my hand when I need to use that hand to grasp something. Also, I can wear a warm glove (warm by Southern standards) on my drawing hand. This might not work for you Northern guys with your cold weather.
My only real complaint, though, regarding gloves is that in hot weather, they get too sweaty. If not for this, I probably would go back to the glove.
As for losing them, well, I have lost a lot of both tabs and gloves. When I leave home, I carry the tab I am currently using and a spare in my back quiver and a second spare in my hunting vest. There have been a couple of times that I promptly dropped the first 2 tabs out of the stand and have actually needed that 3rd tab. (Have dropped the bow a couple of times as well, but it is just too cumbersome to carry a backup bow up the tree.)