a little reward for a lot of effort came the other day while on a hunt for pigs. i've been trying my hardest at trying to take something with some 'organic' arrows i made up. nothing that doesn't come from the earth went into these arrows!
the morning started off well because i saw a boar on the 1st swamp i came to. i slid in to 10m only to blow it with a poor shot an inch over its back. to add to my disapointment it was with the only arrow that was wearing a point that i knapped myself. it disappeared into the swamp forever. back to where it came from i guess....the earth.
a chance at redemption followed latter that day though. i snuck in to about 20m from a mob in another swamp but not happy at shooting that far with an arrow that took me longer than i care to guess to make, i backed out and repositioned for an ambush as i could see where they were feeding too. this little boar walked out and presented a shot from about 8m. i let him have it and i it him a little higher than i would have liked but i saw blood straight away, not lots but enough to tell me that it might still be a good shot.
i followed up soon after.....no blood. bitter disapointment engulfed me again. my mate and i searched around the little mangrove islands where he ran too and my mate found him a few moments before i would have. oh how quickly disapointment can turn to happiness. finally, after much effort i had achieved another goal, to shoot something with a stone point. the next goal...to get something with a point of my own making. so close yet so far......

it was quartering slightly towards me and the arrow went in angling down because it was so close. the point severed a rib took out one lung and lodged beside the knee in his off side ham. i think the motion of him running broke the point from the shaft. the point was recovered intact.

many thanks to bill skinner who so kindly gave me the point.