lol, Yeah Ken. Its great to be hunting now but ya got to know, Sitting in 97 degree temps ain't all that its cut out to be!
Notice the wet hair? Thats sweat at 7 am! And skeeters!!! That leafy suit does more to keep the blood suckers off than it does for camo.
This one was this morning. Sat till 8:30 and was about to give up when she came in.Changed out of the hot sweaty clothes before I went back in with Domino the majic tracking dog :p to "find" her.( Domino is in training, I'd already found her, but don't tell him that! LOL)
I'm not really complaining you know. But it would be nice to sit in a stand and not feel like your melting.
Of course, I'll be whining come December when its 40 degrees here to.