At the end of this spring bear hunt; but well before it was over; I sat down near my bait pile on a 3 legged chair; leaning against a tree. I was downhill from the bait; and off to one side a little; and a bear came into the bait to my left.
I hadn't sat there but a few minutes; and there it was; and it stopped and stared at me.
Then it walked up to me and stared at me. I was bow-tapping close to it.
In the beginning I could have shot at one point or two- but I could not; and as the bear walked over to the bait; then back at me staring and staring- well I was glad that I was wearing a guillie suit.
Mine is synthetic; it is mosquito netting with rows of leaves on it; and it broke up my outline really well.
I had a mosquito net over my face; and the suit top and bottom- and speaking of my bottom; it got closer and closer to the ground; as the chair was sinking into the duff.
So after a while; I could not have drawn back to shoot if I had too. I would have had to stand; which with my new knee is not an easy - nor a stealth move.
So I sat there; and for what really seemed about 45 minutes - and after many many times having the bear stare in my face- I decided guillie suits ~DO~ work.
The reason I voted for synthetic (mosquito netting with leaves)- is because I was being bitten on the leg by mosquitoes the whole time the bear was there; and later I counted over 120 welts where the synthetic netting (over my camo pants) had ripped on my good knee.
Mosquito netting alone over hunting clothes- breaks up your outline - and the leaves really help break up your outline too.
I had face paint on my face - and took a photo right after the bear left and I stood up and took off the camo- and moved my chair.
I wanted to document the look on my face. I was standing on the bear bait when I took the picture; and a picture of the chair from the bait.
(the chair is resting against the tree - look for the black legs)
The bear was 1/3 head; 1/3 shoulders; and 1/3 rump.
My ghillie suit kept me unidentified- at bows length: to a wandering Montana grizzly.....
I really feel the face paint - including my upper eye lid - kept me from being detected.