Well after pondering this story a week later, I have learned a couple things.
One: I won't discuss a hunt on here before it happens- it jinxes things!
Two: Never-ever-be cocky about killing something!
(those are both about me-not anyone else)
Last saturday was our deer opener here in South Florida as I posted. Swampdrummer(from Venus) and me (from Jupiter) (how funny is that!) were both on this site all excited about our chances at this newly designed early season. It was hot-did I tell you it was hot? Swampdrummer had an early morning success and I had an early morning depression that lasted for days! As I stated last week I shot a buck I had been getting pictures of all summer and had great expectations that he would show himself where I was sitting. We feeder hunt here in South Florida and he was frequenting one we call the Hog Trap. Tradgang celebrity Guru sat there in January and filmed what we believe to be this buck sparring another buck for half an hour. He has since forwarded it to me and I'm sure it's him although he was a seven pt.last season.
As the sun was coming up over the oak hammock and the therma cell was keeping the bugs at bay, I saw black figures emerging from the cypress swamp to my south. Damn hogs- now don't get me wrong-I love killin hogs with arrows-but not on opening morning of deer season! These hogs were coming in downwind, but only the really big ones in the group even hesitated and the rest kinda ignored my scent and ran to the feeder. The big ones gave the familiar danger grunt and drifted back into the swamp. So there I was watching about 10- 60 pounders devouring the morning spraying and I caught movement from the upwind side. It was him along with the 9 pt, another 8pt and a forkie.My 8pt and the forkie were still in velvet.Unusual as we have signs of the rut kicking in this week. As the bucks went behind a large, tall palmetto clump- I waved my hat at the hogs and they ran off a short distance. That's the opening the deer needed and they walked in to clean up the remnants.I had the buck I wanted at 20 yds, but I knew it would get closer so I waited-they had no idea the boogeyman was around. Now these hogs seeing the deer in there- forgot about my hat and ran back in chasing out the deer. Man, my heart sank into my stomach. Long story short- this happened 3 times! Every time the bucks were outta sight- I waved my hat- the hogs ran off and the deer came in! The last time all 4 bucks circled behind me and walked directly under my stand. Now my heart was coming out of my chest!!
Bottom line- I shot the buck at 11 yards-broadside-no excuses-I did not pick a spot. I had him on the wall already-rookie mistake-on and on.... I was sick- as soon as the arrow hit I knew it was trouble. I'm staring to bore you guys so I'll shorten up here. My son killed the 9 pointer 45 minutes later- all 3 other bucks came by him over 1/2 mile away (confirmed that distance too). He and I didn't hunt that afternoon of course and looked again Sunday morning for hours. I knew he was gonna die so we took off work on Tuesday and went back. The deer went exactly 562 yards from the shot ( Go Back gps) I thought it was further. Yesterday we went to the deer and got my arrow which was still in the bones and I mean bones. If we hadn't gone Tuesday we would not have found it-between the buzzards and varmits all that was left was the smell!! I wasn't gonna post the picture but after reviewing it- I have decided to, as it's just a reality of the situation. Believe me- I lost a lot of sleep over this deer so I was happy to recover the skull and antlers- I am doing a European mount.
Friday evening I double lunged a doe, so I felt better about my shooting and concentration. This is such a mental Sport!!!