I agree with JimB. I've only shot 4 broadheads from my recurve set-up: G5 Montec Stainless, Bear Razorhead 2-blade, Magnus Stinger 2-blade, and Strickland Helix single bevel 2-blade. All are 100 grains and fly great and group with the field tips.
My set ups are a bit varied. The bows are all 44-48 pounds. I'm shooting two arrows:
Arrow 1: Beeman MFX 600, 27.5" long, 3, 4" feathers, 70 grain insert and 100 grain broadhead. Weight 424 grains.
Arrow 2: Easton 1916 Legacy with swaged nock replaced with uni-busing push-in, 3, 4" feathers, 27.5" shaft, ~24 grain insert, 100 grain broadhead -weight 416 grains.