Mike, this unit took 4 preference points, which is the maximum in WY since they just started the point system for NR 4 years ago. Based on the way things have gone in other states, I doubt I will ever draw this unit again because unless the management of it changes it will probably always be in high demand and take maximum points to have a chance.
To have a chance at the better units it has become a fact of life that in most states you must play the preference point game. Get in to as many draws or point building programs as you can afford, and eventually you should start having a chance at some great hunts.
Sixby, you're right, much of the stuff I have pictures of was pretty easy country compared to much that I have been in. It does drop off into some extremely tough looking drainages though. I'm hoping that there will still be elk up in the easy stuff come September, but also have some of the deep stuff picked out that we will hit if needed.
As great as this unit is, if there is a downside it would have to be the number of ATV trails that run through it. In much of the area we camped it was very difficult to get more than a mile away from a trail of some type. And the things were buzzing around contiunously. But I do think I have found some spots that will limit access, and have my hopes pinned on those to start out with.